......dark ending
I managed to get all 3 endings (I'm a thorough person) and honestly the 3rd ending leaves some one like me feeling inexplicably satisfied. It's true, my mind is pretty fucked up...and I still like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Not sure what you were thinking with the 3rd ending, but I liked it. I know another guy that will enjoy this too. As per the other 2 endings: the muffin ending is kinda dumb in my opinion as there's no challenge to it. Any kid that's just messing around will get it, and all you can say when you get it is, well: derp. The warrior cutie mark ending was unexpected and clever and provides a little bit of a challenge in the boss fight, but not much. The fact that you shoot faster the lower your health gets was a nice touch, and the fact that it works for the dragon too makes was a great idea. As far as boss battles go it's really easy, though I don't think it was supposed to be since that's the only action in the game. Overall I'll give a 9/10 since the non-pixel art was kinda weird (what the hell happens to her nose when she's about to stab the dragon?), but it definitively fit the 3rd ending perfectly. I liked it and I kinda hope you make another pony game.